Thursday, December 07, 2006

Heaven in Words

Often times as a writer I find myself at a loss for words to describe a scene or to explain the feelings of a character. There has been several times I simply have to sit back and say, "Okay, God. Help!"

The thought of what heaven is like makes me realize just how inadequate the English language is. The Bible describes it with gates of pearl and streets of gold. No sorrow, no pain, and an eternity of praising God.
I can't imagine anything better than being in the presence of God and being able to worship Him for all time. The beauty of heaven, the pure happiness that must radiate from every corner, and the fact that nothing else will matter but being there with Him. That seems hard to imagine, doesn't it? What words do we possibly have that could describe it?
I don't think we'll ever know until we're there, do you?


Anonymous said...

No, I don't think we have words. I read 90 Minutes in Heaven. Don Piper's / Cec Murphey's struggle for just the right word for our little finite brains to picutre this phenominal place was obvious. Our limitations are intentional, I'm sure, by our Creator, however, don't you think? So we can have the longing for His presence more than a longing for the place?

I have a daughter who has been in Heaven a little over 16 years. She was one when she met Jesus face to face. And to think that since the day she entered the gates, she's never felt pain, fear, scraped knees, a broken heart... the lonliness of death. WOW! What an awesome God we serve to send His only Son to make a way for us to be there, too....


Rachelle said...

No, i don't think there will be any word apt to describe "heaven" but I would like to think that heaven is a place/something that "you can create and dwell in" and not a place you always look forward to after your time is up. Whether heaven is real or not, as long as you have joy and God's word in your heart, you are one with God and that is heaven enough for a child of God.

Fact: Nearly nine out of 10 people in the United States say they believe in heaven, according to a recent ABC News poll. (Dec. 2005)